Westover School Logo

Campus Photo由Mary Hillard创立,,en,并由女建筑师Theodate Pope Riddle修建,,en 1909 and built by female architect Theodate Pope Riddle, Westover is an independent boarding and day high school that challenges smart, motivated girls to become confident, connected women. Westover challenges its young women to think independently, to embrace diversity, and to grow intellectually and spiritually.

Here at Westover, a wide range of opportunities are offered that will provoke thought, spur discussion, and help build skills and expertise. Innovative programs such as WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), IIG (Invest in Girls) and our Independent Senior Projects will allow students to pursue specific interests while preparing for college (and beyond).

舞蹈Our visual and performing arts programs offer students the opportunity to study and share their work. And our enduring commitment to social justice and community engagement comes to life through the many activities sponsored by the Rasin Center for Global Justice.

Perhaps most important, Westover really is family, a place where you know everyone’s name and hometown. It’s a place where girls are comfortable taking risks, where they don’t worry about looking silly, and where they feel completely free to be themselves…and to let others do the same.

To learn more about Westover, 请访问: https://www.westoverschool.org or contact David Tuttle, 招生管理总监,,en,在,,en,jcarberry@gatewayct.edu,,en, at dtuttle@westoverschool.org