
Campus Aerial Looking West Sept 2017Christian Heritage School is one of New England’s top Christian Schools, preparing students for competitive universities and equipping them with the life skills needed to become tomorrow’s global leaders. 公司成立于 1977, there are 420 boys and girls enrolled at CHS.

For the past 3 consecutive years, CHS has been recognized as a “TOP 50 Christian School in the United States” by Located in the town of Trumbull, between New York City and Boston, CHS has an ideal location, with access to 3 国际机场和地铁北站列车系统,,en,学术成果和成功,,en,CHS提供,,en,荣誉/ AP /大学水平课程,,en,并拥有优秀的数学和科学系,,en,我们学生的SAT课程平均分,,en,口头,,en,为所有老年人,,en,而我们的荣誉文凭前辈得分和令人印象深刻的平均水平,,en,让一个学生教导比例,,en,我们的教员拥有高级学位,,en,过去几年,,en,CHS学生被认定为CT州立科学与工程博览会的入围者,,en.

HS Debate Club 1CHS offers 42 Honors/AP/College level courses, and has excellent Math and Science department. Our students’ SAT course averages were 630 (Verbal) 和 620 (数学) for all seniors, while our honors diploma seniors scored and impressive average of 750 (Verbal) 和 780 (数学). Having a student to teach ratio of 9:1, 77% of our faculty members hold advanced degrees in their subject. For the past several years, 4 CHS students have been recognized as finalists in the CT State Science and Engineering Fair, 为他们的项目赢得许多顶级奖项,,en,基督教文化遗产学校认为,学习应该令人兴奋和愉快,,en,我们相信最好的学校在低压环境中找到一种能产生令人难以置信的高学术成果的方法,,en,学校位于康涅狄格州,,en,以其特殊学校而闻名,,en,校园坐落在耶鲁大学和纽约市之间一个树木茂密,超安全的郊区社区,,en,CHS教师是他们领域的真正专家,,en.

Chemistry LabChristian Heritage School believes that learning should be exciting and enjoyable. We believe the best schools find a way to produce incredibly high academic outcomes in a low-stress environment. The school is located in Connecticut, which is known for its exceptional schools. The campus is nicely situated in a tree-filled and ultra-safe suburban community between Yale University and New York City. The CHS faculty are genuinely experts in their fields, 所有的老师都有自己的愿望来指导他们的学生,,en,CHS提供强大的学术课程,,en,包括与康涅狄格大学的合作,,en,锡拉丘兹大学和西顿霍尔大学,,en,这些学院都允许我们的教师在我们的校园里教授他们的课程,,en,我们的早期大学课程可以让我们的学生在CHS的11和12年级完成他们的大学一年级,,en,大学接受,,en,大学辅导在探索他们的能力时促进每个学生的成长,,en. CHS offers a strong academic program, including partnerships with University of Connecticut, Syracuse University and Seton Hall University. Each of these colleges allow our faculty to teach their courses on our campus. Our Early University courses can allow our students to finish their first year of university during their 11th and 12th grade years at CHS.

College counseling fosters each student’s growth as they explore their abilities, 激情,,en,优势,,en,并通过课堂指导获得利益,,en,评估,,en,和个性化的咨询,,en,包括大学之旅,,en,最近的大学接受包括加州大学伯克利分校,,en,U Penn,,en,约翰斯霍普金斯,,en,Cal Tech,,en,NYU,,ja,麦吉尔,,en,公爵,,en,在圣,,en,路易,,en,普拉特,,en,和其他许多高度选择性的学院和大学,,en,竞技,,en,和俱乐部,,en,其中有Varsity Sports,,en,所有高中学生都参加了一个跨学科团队,,en,包括足球,,en,过境国,,en,排球,,en,我们的视觉,,en,表演艺术也很出色,,en, strengths, and interests through class guidance, assessments, and individualized counseling, including college tour trips. Recent college acceptances include UC Berkeley, 普林斯顿, U Penn, 康奈尔大学, Johns Hopkins, 与, Cal Tech, NYU, McGill, Duke, Wash U in St. Louis, Pratt, and many other highly-selective colleges and universities.

Band ConcertCHS offers 22 运动队, 13 of which are Varsity Sports. 75% of all high school students participate on an inter-scholastic team, including soccer, crossing-country, basketball, volleyball, tennis, 棒球, and softball.

Our Visual & Performing Arts are also outstanding, 提供几个大学学分课程,,en,我们的学生被选为全州乐队和合唱团,,en,我们的艺术学生已经被顶尖大学录取,,en,包括CalArts,,en,时装技术学院,,en,和芝加哥艺术学院,,en,我们希望你想加入一个俱乐部,,en,这里有一些今年正在提供的,,en,艺术俱乐部,,en,对3,,en,俱乐部,,en,男子排球俱乐部,,en,保龄球俱乐部,,en,百老汇俱乐部,,en,国际象棋俱乐部,,en,经典电影俱乐部,,en,烹饪俱乐部,,en,春天的音乐,,en,辩论俱乐部,,en,话剧社,,en,骑士新闻制作俱乐部,,en,数学联赛,,en,模型大会,,en. This year, 3 of our students were selected for all-state band and choir. Our art students have been accepted to top colleges, including CalArts, Pratt, Fashion Institute of Technology, and the Art Institute of Chicago.

We hope you want to join a club! Here are some that are being offered this year:

Art Club, 篮球 (3-on-3) Club, Boys’ Volleyball Club, Bowling Club, Broadway Club, Chess Club, Classic Movie Club, Cooking Club, Spring Musical, Debate Club, Drama Club,
Knightly News Production Club, Math League, Model Congress, 多文化学生组织,,en,火箭俱乐部,,en,技术俱乐部,,en,旅行/历史俱乐部,,en,尤克里里俱乐部,,en,科学俱乐部,,en,学生政府,,en,录像俱乐部,,en,网页设计俱乐部,,en,崇拜乐队,,en,ESL和学术支持,,en,自那时以来,CHS一直在招收国际学生,,en,并从那时开始招收学生,,en,学习英语的学生可能需要额外的英语教学和学术支持,,en,本课程提供语法教学,,en,请讲,,en,读,,en,和写作,,en, 国家荣誉协会, Rocketry Club, Technology Club, Travel/History Club, Ukulele Club, 年鉴, Science Club, 学生大使, Student Government, Videography Club, 国家荣誉协会, Web Design Club, Worship Band

CHS has been enrolling international students since 2007, and has since enrolled students from 17 不同的国家.

Students who are English language learners may require additional English instruction and academic support. This course provides instruction in grammar, speaking, 听, reading, and writing, 以及协助学生在其人文课程中的作业,,en,所有第一年级的国际学生和所有未获得高分数的英语学习者都需要英语实验室,,en,在托福,,en,在一年中途满足此要求的学生有机会在第一学期后退出英语实验室,,en,高中校长作出免除的最终决定,,en,谁保留在一年中的任何时间安排在这门课程的学生的权利,,en. English Lab is required for all first-year international students and all English language learners who have not scored above an 80 on the TOEFL. Students who meet this requirement halfway through the year have an opportunity to exit English Lab after the first semester. Final decision for exemption is made by the Upper School Principal, who reserves the right to place a student in this course at any time during the year.

BikingCHS provides an orientation for all new international students the week before school begins. This includes cultural and host family adaptation, school processes and procedures, placement testing, guidance counselor meetings for class scheduling, iPad information, doctor’s appointment/physical, uniform & school supplies shopping, and much, much more. There is also a high school retreat where students make new friends and have activities in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains.

CHS国际学生与我们学校社区的亲属或寄宿家庭同住,,en,寄宿家庭为我们的国际学生提供“家外之家”,,en,•所有寄宿家庭都经过全面的申请程序,,en,包括背景检查,,en,确保学生处于安全和关爱的环境中,,en,•寄宿家庭接受跨文化培训,,en,•寄宿家庭为学校和课外活动提供膳食和交通,,en,•寄宿家庭支持学生的学业成功,,en. Host families provide a “home away from home” for our international students.
• All host families go through a thorough application process, including background checks, to ensure that students are in a safe and caring environment.
• Host families receive cross-cultural training.
• Host families provide meals and transportation to school and extracurricular activities.
• Host families support their student’s academic success.
•寄宿家庭将他们的学生视为家庭成员,,en,Zimo Liu from Nanjing,,zh-CN,中国有三个有趣的美国兄弟,一个很大,,en,喜欢冒险的快乐寄宿家庭,,en,“我已经尝试了很多新的东西,,en,如雪管,,en,雪地摩托,,en,和着色复活节彩蛋,,en,这里的比萨很美味,,en,秦郎描述了她在基督教遗产学校的经历,,en,“这里感觉就像一个家庭,,en,它很小,所以你可以知道并关心每个人,,en,每个人都关心你,,en,老师真的认识你,,en.

Zimo Liu from Nanjing, China has three fun American brothers and a big, happy host family who is adventurous. “I have tried lots of new things with them, such as snow-tubing, snowmobiling, and coloring Easter eggs. The pizza here is delicious!”

Qin Lang describes her experience at Christian Heritage School: “It feels like a family here. It is small so you can know and care about everyone, and everyone cares about you. The teachers really know you. The Dual Enrollment classes are really challenging and help prepare me for college. I especially like being involved with tennis team, Math League, Model Congress, and Multicultural Club.”

“We have a different lifestyle and culture but they are like my second parents. They treat me like their son and I have learned a lot from them,” says Bowen Niu of his host parents.

To learn more about Christian Heritage School, apply online, or to schedule a campus visit, please see