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公司成立于 1794, 柴郡学院是该国最古老的寄宿学校之一,,en,男女同校寄宿和日间学校为学生提供年级,,en,学院坐落在104英亩的校园内,,en,位于柴郡的历史区,,en,有超过,,en,代表结束的学生,,en,国家和地区,,en,提供丰富多样的社区氛围,,en,学院首先提出每个学生的独特需求,,en. A coeducational boarding and day school serving students in grades 9-12 and post-graduates, the Academy sits on 104-acre campus, located in the Historic District of Cheshire, 康涅狄格州. There are more than 350 students representing over 30 countries and 20 国家, providing a community atmosphere that is rich with diversity.

Cheshire Academy is an internationally minded college-preparatory school that challenges its students to maximize their potential by developing the confidence, character, and critical-thinking skills that enable them to thrive as global citizens. Our students grow increasingly capable of independently observing, questioning, explaining, interpreting, and analyzing the world. 学院首先提出每个学生的独特需求,并提供灵活的课程,让学生将学术课程与田径和/或美术课程相结合,en, according to their needs and interests. Students participate in a rigorous academic program that provides for personal attention and support in small classes. Among the many academic offerings, students may choose to enroll in the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme. 柴郡学院是康涅狄格州唯一一所提供这种全球认可的高中毕业文凭的私立学校,,en,另一个签名计划是Roxbury学术支持计划,,en,它为需要在传统课堂之外提供帮助的学生提供几种教育辅导,,en,学术课程的一个重要部分是关注艺术,,en,有广泛的产品,,en,包括视觉艺术,,en,和数字艺术,,en,学生可以深入了解他们最感兴趣的创意媒体,,en. Another signature program is the Roxbury Academic Support Program, which provides several types of educational coaching for students who need assistance outside of the traditional classroom.

A key part of the academic program is a focus on the arts. With a wide range of offerings, including visual arts, 舞蹈, 戏剧, 音乐, and digital arts, students can delve into the creative mediums that interest them most. 学院甚至为希望在高中毕业后追求艺术的学生艺术家提供艺术专业课程,,en,艺术专业学生可以获得工作室空间并与教师合作建立高质量的艺术作品,,en,学院学生还参加一个全面的下午计划,其中包括竞争和非竞争性体育运动以及其他各种基于团队的举措,包括戏剧,,en,和一个沟通团队实习,,en. Art Majors are given studio space and work with instructors to build quality art portfolios.

Academy students also participate in a comprehensive afternoon program that includes competitive and noncompetitive athletics as well as a variety of other team-based initiatives including drama, 社区服务, and a communication team internship. 柴郡学院制作了专业运动员以及无数的大学运动员,,en,结束了,,en,男孩和女孩的运动队和许多下午选项,,en,每个人都有一些东西,,en,欲了解更多有关柴郡学院或完成入学申请的信息,,en,请访问我们的网站,,en,柴郡学院,,en. With over 20 sports teams for boys and girls and many afternoon options, there is something for everyone.

To learn more about Cheshire Academy or to complete your application for admission, visit us online at